Friday, 20 September 2013

G.Skill Sets Record for World's Fastest Quad Channel Memory at 4,072MHz

G.Skill TridentXChalk up yet another record for G.Skill

G.Skill has quite the collection of world records to boast, the latest being the first quad-channel DDR3 memory kit to race past 4GHz. Intel's Ivy Bridge-E platform has only been on the market a week and G.Skill wasted no time testing the limits of the new silicon, along with its own brand memory kits. This time around it was again a G.Skill TridentX memory kit that achieved the record breaking frequency, which now sits at DDR3-4072MHz.
The quad-channel TridentX kit sat in an Asus Rampage IV Black Edition motherboard with an Intel Core i7 4960X Extreme Edition processor. Setting the world record also required liquid nitrogen (LN2) cooling, a definite buzz kill if you were hoping to pick up one of G.Skill's kits and achieve the same results at home (it's not going to happen on air).
This was all about overclocking the RAM, and as such, only one of the Ivy Bridge-E CPU cores was active, which was running at 2,035MHz. As for the RAM, timings were set at 14-31-15-45 for the record breaking OC.


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